paartherapie einzeltherapie lucia seilern therapeutin

Lucia Stockert-Seilern

Systemic therapy for individuals, couples and families

I will gladly accompany you on your way!

I believe that everyone has the potential to make positive changes in their lives and I look forward to helping my clients achieve their goals. look forward to helping my clients achieve their goals. Together we can ‘set sail differently’.

As a systemic therapist, I work with individuals, couples and families. I focus in particular on the relationships relationships between people - be it in the family, in a partnership, with friends or at work. With a great deal of empathy and respect, I accompany my clients on their journey, always at eye level and in an open and honest atmosphere. My aim is to strengthen confidence in oneself in order to build healthy and fulfilling relationships with others. The challenges and pressures in today's society are increasing. I would like to help you to overcome difficult situations in your life and find solutions that improve your quality of life. I believe that every person already has the necessary abilities to overcome these hurdles. Together we will discover and develop these strengths. In doing so, we will look the past, but above all look to the future. Mindfulness, openness and warmth of heart are the basis of of my work, which lasts as short as possible but as long as necessary.

How much does psychotherapy cost?

Initial consultation EUR 75,00 / 45 min

Individual therapy EUR 75,00 / 45 min more informationen

Couples therapy EUR 140,00 / 90 min more informationen

Children & youth therapy EUR 75,00 / 45 min more informationen


We ask for your understanding that currently no settlement with the health insurance company is possible. to offer a comparatively favourable fee.

Cancellation policy

A cancellation policy of 24 hours applies. If this cannot be adhered to, the amount will be charged.

Confidentiality and
Subject areas

Psychotherapists are subject to an absolute duty of confidentiality as per austrian law. This duty of confidentiality serves to protect the relationship of trust between client and therapist. We cover the following topics:


Anxiety and panic attacks

Relationship problems


Eating disorders (anorexia)

Binge eating disorder (bulimia)


Psychosomatic complaints

Burn-out prevention


Life and change crises

Sleep problems

Addictions (shopping addiction, alcohol addiction)

Personal development

Learning difficulties / concentration difficulties

Stressful situations (death, illness, accidents)


Karte der Locations von Lucia Seilern Stockerau

Brahmsplatz 7

1040 Vienna

Open Google Maps

Humboldtgasse 18/7

1100 Vienna

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About me

Lucia Seilern Psychotherapeutin Profilbild

Lucia Stockert-Seilern

Psychotherapist in training under supervision*

+43 6641420673


in private practice 1100 Vienna

Outpatient clinic of the Sigmund Freud Private University 1010 Vienna

Psychotherapeutic outpatient clinic for adults

Children's charity 1010 Vienna

Psychotherapeutic outpatient clinic for children and adolescents

*The addition ‘in training under supervision’ indicates that the psychotherapist is in the final phase of psychotherapy training and has acquired psychotherapy training and has acquired the professional licence and all associated skills to work as a psychotherapist. to work as a psychotherapist. Psychotherapists in training under supervision are obliged to undergo regular and close supervision for quality assurance purposes. and benefit from a four-eye principle.